Product & Services
As an independent distributor of advanced electronic components, we have more than 1,000 authorized agent channels around the world and a stock of more than 7 million pieces.
With trading partners all over the world, whether you need to sell an individual product line or clear an entire warehouse, we’re ready to help.


With trading partners all over the world, whether you need to sell an individual product line or clear an entire warehouse, we’re ready to help.
Asiaone will guarantee all the items from us will be factory original new parts from franchised distributor.


Asiaone will guarantee all the items from us will be factory original new parts from franchised distributor.
With a team of 3800+ procurement specialists, Aisaone could help to source for hard to find and allocated components from Asia, Europe and USA.


With a team of 3800+ procurement specialists, Aisaone could help to source for hard to find and allocated components from Asia, Europe and USA.


Customer Reviews

Keith (Purchasing Director)

“ASIAONE is a professional team and one of our best source in China!”

Darian (CEO)

“They’re a reliable supplier and insist the purpose of fast shipping and quality guarantee.”

Eve (Purchasing Executive)

“Every time I booked the parts in ASIAONE, they delivered on time and without procrastination.”

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Telephone: (86)755-83289263

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